Who we are: We are volunteers from the Livermore-Amador Symphony Guild with years of experience managing estate sales.
What we do: We meet in your home to evaluate items and offer advice. We prepare a contract. Once the contract is signed and a sale date set, we sort, price, and market your items, from knickknacks to furniture to cars; we have pricing expertise in many areas. Then we hold the sale. Your sale items may be tax deductible because the Livermore-Amador Symphony Association is a nonprofit organization.
We are aware that this may be a sensitive time for you and your family. Our intent is to make the sale preparation and follow-up as well as the sale itself go smoothly and successfully. While running your sale, we keep the security of your home and goods in mind.
Who recommends us? Attorneys, local realtors, antique dealers, and returning customers.
Bonus: In addition to providing typical advertising and signage, we have a sales notification e-mail list of over 700 people.
For more information,
contact Nancy McKenzie: nancymac360@gmail.com or 925.294.8657.