LAS School Concerts
and other Signature Events

The 2024 youth orchestra concert was 7/27/24, our annual Pops concert was on 9/28/24, and
the annual family concert was on 12/7/24.
A subset of LAS performed at Amador and Green Elementary Schools in Dublin on 4/18/24.

Pops Concerts
Family Concerts
School Concerts

The Whirlwinds Trio
and the
Wine Break Brass Quintet
at Vineyard Vibes

Here’s a pandemic memory that is good: LAS musicians performed chamber music at an online concert presented by Livermore Valley Performing Arts in October 2020. The video of this 37-minute Vineyard Vibes performance includes introductions and comments by Chris Carter, CEO of the Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center, and Lara Webber, Music Director of the Symphony:

This performance was dedicated to the memory of Walter Davies, one of the founding fathers of the cultural arts community in Livermore.

Vineyard Vibes performers for LAS - 10/18/20

The Wine Break Brass Quintet
Christine-Ann Immesoete, LAS Principal Horn
Diane Schildbach, LAS Principal Trombone
Marcus Schildbach, LAS Tuba
Robert Bryant, LAS Trumpet
Rick Fleer, Trumpet (LAS guest musician)

Prelude to Te Deum, by Marc Antoine Charpentier, arranged by William Picher

Second Suite in F major, by Gustav Holst, arranged by David Sabourin
Song Without Words
Song Of The Blacksmith (with Lara, as the blacksmith, playing a nuclear fuel rod assembly)
Fantasia on the Daragason
Just a Closer Walk with Thee, arranged by Zack Smith

The Whirlwinds Trio
Marianne Beeler, LAS Principal Flute
Eva Langfeldt, LAS Principal Oboe
Chris Diggins, Clarinet (LAS guest musician)

Seven Appalachian Melodies, by Alfred Loeffler
Married and Single Life
George Reilly
Old Joe Clark
The Sheffield Apprentice
Putnam’s Hill
William and Polly
If You Want to Go-A-Courting

The virtual concert was recorded outdoors at Retzlaff Vineyards, with appropriate COVID safety measures in place.